Friday, August 25, 2006

Telephoning Kyrgyzstan

Slow progress yesterday... hangovers really don't help.
I had a phone call from one of the staff in Kyrgyzstan who is helping to arrange my visit, Elina, about my visa. Previously she'd told me to apply for a tourist visa, and she was quite relieved to hear that I hadn't yet applied. Apparently a tourist visa would be the wrong visa for me to get, and I need a "normal" visa.

The Kyrgyz Embassy in Germany doesn't actually allow you to apply for tourist visas or "normal" visas, you just apply for a visa and they decide what kind you're going to have. Communism wasn't a consumer-driven society, and I've noticed in some of these former-Communist countries that choice is sometimes lacking.

I asked Elina for her number in case I needed to ask her something later. She gave me her number. "But I don't know the code," she said, "you will have to find it." Ok, it's +996 for Kyrgyzstan.
"Yes, and you need the code for Ivanovska, that's where I live."
Not knowing the international dialling code for Kyrgyzstan I can understand. Not knowing the local dialling code for your own home town I find a little odd.

A lengthy search for the dialling code for Ivanovska was less than successful. I couldn't find anywhere called Ivanovska in Kyrgyzstan. What I did find was that Ivanovska is the surname of this lady below: Alexandra Ivanovska.

More pleasing to the eye than a list if Kyrgyz dialling codes perhaps, but not much use for phoning Elina with questions about my visa application. I searched further. I couldn't even find Ivanovska on the map. All I could find was this:

Katerina Ivanovska, Macedonian model.
She doesn't know the local dialling code for Ivanovska, Kyrgyzstan.

I might try sending an email to her fanclub and maybe they can tell me the dialling code.


Anonymous said...

Heheheh, finally some pretty ladies on this page!

Anonymous said...

A bit anorexic I'd say (this (NOT LEGAL!)Katerina one)... But Ben still has to meet up with his Ivanovska liaison to establish just how bad is it. If he can find her. Good luck with that, btw. Then, you should take a few photos, publish those (I hope internet caffees will not be so hard to find in Bishkek), and you'll be suuuure Joris is going to comment ;) :p hehehehe.

ceiling_fan said...

Anorexic? Hm, well, she is a little on the thin side. And maybe she does look a little young ("fresh" is the word you're looking for.) But bear in mind that she's not got a decade of alcohol (ab)use behind her like most of us.

Anyway, it's all relative (it is in Wales, allegedly.) Yes, she looks young, but that's only in comparison to the photo of the old woman collecting yak dung. And yes, she does look thin, but that's only in comparison to the picture of the nice lady advertising Aeroflot.

Joris, you come from Belgium so you're the expert: is Katerina Ivanovska underage or not?